Welcome to June
To celebrate the end of the year we are having Well-being Monday and Tuesday. I am uploading different activities below that you can choose from. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you!
A very big thank you to my wonderful First Class for such a lovely and thoughtful gift. I love both pictures! Thank you so much!
From Ms Haughney
From Ms Haughney
Work for the week 22nd -26th June
Work for the week 15th-19th June
Work for the week: 8th-12th June
Below are some extra videos you might like to watch on Australia.
Work for the week: 3rd-5th June
Sports Day at home!
Intercultural Day
This week we are learning about Australia. Australia is famous for its natural wonders and wide open spaces, like its beaches, deserts, 'the bush' and the 'Outback'. Many wonderful animals live in Australia.
Some children researched their home countries, like China, India and Poland. Well done everyone. :)
Some children researched their home countries, like China, India and Poland. Well done everyone. :)
Work for the week: 25th-29th May
Work for the week:18th-22nd May
A message from Ms. Foley to First Class.
Poetry Competition Entries
The guide below has some lovely breathing exercises to practice relaxation and mindfulness. There are some short audio clips available also of guided meditation which might be useful. Enjoy :)
Work for the week: 11th -15th May
Supporting documents
Work for the week : 6th-8th May
Supporting documents
Bronagh took some cool pictures while out for a nature walk! She is a great photographer! Well done Bronagh! : )
Active Week!
Work for the week: 27th April- 1st May
Additional Items
Skip to 2 minutes 45 seconds on the video below. It will start a new sum then.
Work for the week: 20th-24th April
Additional Items
Happy Easter! 3rd April
A big Happy Easter to all my First class. Well done on all the work you have been doing over the last few weeks. You all have been working so hard, I am very proud.
The next two weeks are the Easter holidays so enjoy the break... but please continue to share photos with me and I will post them on our page! :)
Ms. Haughney
We are busy working from home!
Hi First Class,
It has been great to hear from you this week. It sounds like you have been keeping busy. It is important that we keep our distance from other people over the next few weeks and keep washing our hands to make sure we stay healthy! I have uploaded suggested work for next week as I am sure you have finished the work I already gave you before we split up. Try your best to work through what is on the sheet. Make sure you check below for some additional activities you can do to keep busy.
All birthday cards sent to me will be added to our class gallery down below!
Chat soon :)
Ms Haughney
It has been great to hear from you this week. It sounds like you have been keeping busy. It is important that we keep our distance from other people over the next few weeks and keep washing our hands to make sure we stay healthy! I have uploaded suggested work for next week as I am sure you have finished the work I already gave you before we split up. Try your best to work through what is on the sheet. Make sure you check below for some additional activities you can do to keep busy.
All birthday cards sent to me will be added to our class gallery down below!
Chat soon :)
Ms Haughney
For all the dinosaur lovers in First Class!
Try follow this step by step instruction to draw a cool dinosaur and send me a picture of your work! [email protected] |
Keep busy by trying some of these fun scavenger hunts around your house!
Aaron was very busy and built our class out of Lego people. It looks great! Can you find yourself?
Jack is in front of me and Leon is beside the cat as they were missing on the day of the class picture!
Jack is in front of me and Leon is beside the cat as they were missing on the day of the class picture!
Hi Everyone!
I hope you and your families are all well and you are remembering to wash your hands! It's very important that we keep ourselves busy and healthy during this time. I am sure you are all finding many ways to keep busy... I would love to hear about them. Send a photo of anything you have been up to and I will post it here.
My email address is: [email protected]
My brother came home from Dubai, so we have been very busy. We have gone on lots of walks together. I have been reading, baking and I've even started to draw again!
I hope you are working through as much of the work I gave you before we split up.
Below are some extra ideas to keep you busy:
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Ms Haughney :)
I hope you and your families are all well and you are remembering to wash your hands! It's very important that we keep ourselves busy and healthy during this time. I am sure you are all finding many ways to keep busy... I would love to hear about them. Send a photo of anything you have been up to and I will post it here.
My email address is: [email protected]
My brother came home from Dubai, so we have been very busy. We have gone on lots of walks together. I have been reading, baking and I've even started to draw again!
I hope you are working through as much of the work I gave you before we split up.
Below are some extra ideas to keep you busy:
- Read a book or write your own
- Write a book review
- Make your own comic strip
- Follow a recipe to bake something nice
- Have a look at the homepage of the website- take part in the colouring competition! Or if you don't have access to a printer, draw your own picture of a historical site in Leixlip .
- Dublin zoo have live webcams in the animals enclosures for you to have a look! Feeding time is normally around 2pm or 2.30pm. Follow this link to take you to the webcams: https://www.dublinzoo.ie/animals/animal-webcams/
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Ms Haughney :)
Some busy ideas you might like to try!
Email me any pictures of you trying out these activities, I would love to post them here for us all to see!
[email protected]
Ms Haughney
- For step by step instructions on how to draw lots of lovely pictures: https://artprojectsforkids.org/ I have even tried some!
- https://d3ndagut9sanks.cloudfront.net/2020-D/PDF-Sparklers+Club/Sparklers+at+Home/Emergency+Sparkle+Kit.pdf There are lots of fun drawing activities available here.
- Here is a list of some great shows to listen to: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/17/parenting/podcasts-for-kids.html?fbclid=IwAR3SAZFb9hWFPnJwG2mH_JtzZ9wlHwHT_VUZ8m2NHGGMo9FF2cdQT_izrWg
- Write a letter or postcard for someone you love
- Go for a walk and point out 5 signs of nature
- Listen to some music as Gaeilge. Check out TG lurgan on Youtube or search 'ceol Eoghan McDermott' on Youtube
- Try out RTÉ's 10@10 series on their website. There is a Gaeilge version available too!
- 'Cosmic Kids Yoga' provide free yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. Check them out on YouTube.
- Print off some mindfulness colouring from Twinkl. Use code IRLTWINKLHELPS for free access to Twinkl resources.
Email me any pictures of you trying out these activities, I would love to post them here for us all to see!
[email protected]
Ms Haughney
Finish these comic strips or create your own!
Here are some games you can play if you have an 'Alexa home system'. To get started just say 'Alexa, play..' or 'Alexa, launch..'
Have fun!
Have fun!
Maths Games!
Do you remember our maths songs from school? Sing along to them at home :)
Art Ideas :)
Talking about COVID-19 to young children.
In First Class, we have been learning how to write procedures. Procedures tell us how to do something. Procedures use bossy verbs to tell us what to do. They use steps or linking words to tell us what to do first.
We watched the video on how to wash our hands correctly and then we wrote the procedure. Can you remember the steps? Try and tell someone at home the steps to follow when washing their hands!
Why not design a poster to show your family how to wash their hands correctly? Send me a picture of your poster and I'll post it here. It would be a great way to make sure our class stays healthy!
We watched the video on how to wash our hands correctly and then we wrote the procedure. Can you remember the steps? Try and tell someone at home the steps to follow when washing their hands!
Why not design a poster to show your family how to wash their hands correctly? Send me a picture of your poster and I'll post it here. It would be a great way to make sure our class stays healthy!
First Class Snapshots!
Look at what we've been up to while off school!
We have been busy doing our school work, visiting grandparents and doing lots of yummy baking! The weather has been so lovely we have been able to go for lots of walks!
Send me any pictures to let the rest of the class know what you have been doing, we would love to see: [email protected]
Some children have had their birthday while we have been off school. A big Happy Birthday to them! If you would like to make cards for them, take a picture of it and I will add them to our class gallery. We will sing them a big happy birthday when we are back :)
We have been busy doing our school work, visiting grandparents and doing lots of yummy baking! The weather has been so lovely we have been able to go for lots of walks!
Send me any pictures to let the rest of the class know what you have been doing, we would love to see: [email protected]
Some children have had their birthday while we have been off school. A big Happy Birthday to them! If you would like to make cards for them, take a picture of it and I will add them to our class gallery. We will sing them a big happy birthday when we are back :)
We tested out static electricity with balloons to lift our hair!
P.E with coach Michael.
Friendship Week!
We were very lucky to be paired up with Ms Munroe's 5th Class for friendship week. We did lots of fun games and activities together. We did paired reading, art, P.E, card games and board games. We even wrote the recipe to make a good friend!
Pancake Tuesday!
We made pancakes in school today. We put lemon and sugar on them. They were very yummy! Most of the class had them eaten before I got around to take a picture! We wrote the procedure on how to make pancakes and we created our dream pancake!
World Book Day!
Blast off to Space in First Class!
First class have been learning all about Space. We can name all 8 planets and know many facts about each. Each group was given a different planet and they worked together to create a fact file. We also watched many videos on the Solar System and finally we got to paint the Solar System.
Term 2 Full Attendees.
Engineers Week.
Grandparent's Day!
We used our spatial awareness to make animals with Tangrams in maths!
Science Week!
Learning how to weigh: Today each group worked together to use a weighing scales to see which items weighed more.
Halloween dress up day!
Term 1 full attendees.
We spent an afternoon in the garden digging up our carrots from Senior Infants!