Welcome to our class
Here is some of our artwork and writing
Class activities
We planted onions in the garden.
Ms O' Driscoll's 5th class came to visit us for friendship week. We read stories to them, showed them our writing and played maths games. We really enjoyed making new friends.
Lá Glas
As part of our Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations we had a Lá Glas We dressed up in green for the day and joined Mr Lynch's and Ms. Walsh's classes in the hall for a Céilí Mór. Ms. O'Sullivan was there to teach us some new dances and we had great fun dancing together.
Easter Egg Hunt
We had to work together as a class to solve all the clues to find our Easter eggs. We had great fun and we really enjoyed making Easter baskets to put our eggs in.
Active Schools Week
Active Schools Week took place from April 25th - 29th. We had a great week of activity. Each morning, the whole school took part in Wake Up Shake Up in the yard. Twice a day we took part in Drop Everything
and Dance (D.E.A.D). We also were so lucky to get out for extra P.E during the week. We played rounders, practised our relays and had great fun with some ball games. On Friday, Mrs. Hamad came in to do yoga with us in the hall. It was based on the theme of The Jungle Book and we really enjoyed it! We also did a whole school performance of the dance we had been practising all week. It was great fun.
Active Schools Week took place from April 25th - 29th. We had a great week of activity. Each morning, the whole school took part in Wake Up Shake Up in the yard. Twice a day we took part in Drop Everything
and Dance (D.E.A.D). We also were so lucky to get out for extra P.E during the week. We played rounders, practised our relays and had great fun with some ball games. On Friday, Mrs. Hamad came in to do yoga with us in the hall. It was based on the theme of The Jungle Book and we really enjoyed it! We also did a whole school performance of the dance we had been practising all week. It was great fun.
Mrs Daly came in to visit us and we went to the garden. We checked on our onions and guessed how long they are. We cleaned up our patch and we planted lettuce and rocket. We cant wait until they grow!
International Day
On Friday the 10th of June the school celebrated its first International Day. All the children dressed up in their countries clothes. In the morning the whole school had a parade, we then went to the hall for our International Day assembly. Each class chose a country and prepared a song/poem/dance from that country. We did our song/dance from Spain. We were very lucky to have two Mums in from Israel who showed us a powerpoint all about Israel. We had a minder in to tell us all about life in Spain and a Mammy to tell us all about Germany. We also enjoyed some yummy German treats. We really enjoyed the day.
School Tour
We had a fantastic day on our school tour today. First we went to the Chocolate Warehouse. We learned all about how chocolate was made. We got to look at the cocoa pods and cocoa beans. We even got to taste the delicious chocolate. We then got to decorate our own chocolates and made a goody bag to bring home. We went to Merrion Square to have lunch and on to the Natural History Museum. We had great fun looking at all the animals. We had such an enjoyable day!