Science Week 2022
Science Week 2021
Ms. O'Grady's Junior Infants experimenting
Ms. Doyle's Junior Infants Investing and completing experiments
Ms. Cleary's Senior Infants were learning about Static Electricity
Senior Infants investigating magnets
1st class have had great fun experimenting
Science Week - Reptile Super Powers Workshop
Our five senses in 2nd Class
Bouncy Egg Experiment in 3rd Class
4th class completed lots of various activities!
Capillary Action
STEAM - Rube Goldberg Machines
Using force to create a series of motions
Water Filtration
The Water Cycle
Science Week 2021
Changing Colours!
Investigating with Balloons
Gummy Bear Experiment
Explosions in a bag!
Making Butter
For Science Week 6th Class began by making water filters. They then studied 'Capillary Action' - the upwards movement of water. You'll see some of their results below.
Colour Changing Milk Experiment
Electric Circuits