Teddy Bear Picnic
The girls and boys in Junior Infants and 3rd Class have worked so hard all year long so we decided to go on a Teddy Bear's Picnic. 3rd class were delighted to buddy up again with their Junior Infant from Friendship Week. We listened to songs and 3rd class read story books aloud for us all.
3rd Class School Tour
3rd and 4th Class had their School Tour on Wednesday. We visited Croke Park and Ashford Castle Visitor Centre. Even with the rain we had a fantastic trip!
Sports Day
Well done to all the boys and girls who participated in Sports Day this year. 3rd Class have some fantastic athletes!
Intercultural Week
Intercultural day costumes and visitors!
We made African Jewellery to wear to the parade.
We spent the afternoon at an African Drumming Workshop. We had lots of fun playing different rhythms.
Mrs. Daly came in to help us with our Sow and Grow Activity Set. We planted Baby Carrots, Green Beans, Cress Seeds and Runner Beans. We cannot wait until they start growing!
Art for Mother's Day
We spent three weeks making our clay tiles for our mums. The first week we had to create our tiles using the clay. We used the cross-hatch technique to join our clay flower pieces together. The following week we chose bright colours to paint the titles. Finally, we made our clay tiles shiny by covering them in glue.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
- Bhíomar ag damhsa
- Bhíomar ag caint as Gaeilge
- D'fhoghlamar an dán "Ar Scoil"
Intel Mini Scientist
We were so lucky to be able to complete the Intel Mini Scientist Workshop. Our challenge was to try and build different types of bridges using lollipop sticks, blue-tack and string. It was lots of fun and really got us thinking!!
Grandparents Day
Friendship Week
We spent the week making lots of new friends with Junior Infants.
This month we were working on our gymnastic skills! We had lots of challenges.
Have a look at our Wonderful Paintings we made for the Shelia O'Hara Memorial Competition. The theme this year was Tourism.
We learnt all about the Vikings when we came back after Christmas. We put a great amount of effort into creating our Viking Projects. As a class we painted a 3D Viking Boat!
We love playing the quick paced multiplication dice game!
We experimented in science with the spectrum of light. We proved that you can made white light from the seven colours of the rainbow.
Maths Week
We had lots of fun during maths week. Here are some of the activities we did together:
-Word problems
-Maths trail
-Making Clocks
Jersey Day for GOAL
Student Council
On Wednesday the 12th of October, 3rd class had to vote for their Student Council Class Representatives. All of the nominees spoke on Tuesday in front of the class and each of them did a fantastic job - well done! On Wednesday we went up to the Polling Station which was in Ms O'Mara's classroom. There we had to get our Ballot Sheet and cast our votes! The 6th class boys and girls helped us at each of the Polling Stations. Best of luck to all of the members of the Student Council!
Lines and Angles
We have been learning about different types of lines and angles. We used lollipop sticks to search for "Right Angles" in the classroom. Then we created our own "lines and angles" posters.
Papercopters in Science
We really enjoyed ourselves this week during Science. We were experimenting with Papercopters.
B. = Anti-clockwise
- First we had to construct our Papercopters (which were a little bit tricky!).
- Then we predicted which way the Papercopters would spin:
B. = Anti-clockwise
- Results: The Papercopters spun both clockwise and anticlockwise. However, we discovered that in order to change the direction in which the Papercopter spun you had to change the direction of its wings.
Art work from September
3rd Class are having a great time learning how to play hurling. We are getting lots of exercise every week. Some of the boys and girls even joined the local team!
3rd Class have been working very hard every Tuesday learning the recorder! So far we have learned to play the notes B , A , G. We can now play the song "Mary had a little lamb".
Fun in the Garden!
We had fantastic fun in the garden on Wednesday. Mrs. Daly brought fresh kale to school for the boys and girls to plant.
Go raibh míle maith agat Bean Uí Dhálaigh!
- First we had to remove the stones and loosen the soil in the planting bed.
- Next we had to dig a small hole and fill it with some compost and water before adding the Curly Kale.
- Finally we covered the Curly Kale with soil.
Go raibh míle maith agat Bean Uí Dhálaigh!