Welcome to 2nd Class.
School Tour: Lullymore
Soccer Mini League
We have joined up with the other 2nd class to play a soccer mini league. The teams are Liverpool, Leixlip United, Real Madrid and Man United.
Intercultural Day.
We are learning about Spain. We coloured in bulls using chalks.
Listen to our performance of "Siete Dias Tiene la Semana"- the days of the week in Spanish.
Sports Day
We had great fun on Sports Day. We did lots of different activities and finished the day with an ice-pop!
We made our First Holy Communion on Saturday 14th May. We had a lovely day. Thanks to the PTA for our treat bags!
Measuring with the Trundle wheel.
Happy Easter!
Listen to the poem "Homework!, Oh, Homework" by Jack Prelutsky.
Art Displays
We made our First Confession today. It was a lovely day.
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ort!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Listen to our poem "It's the Wearing of the Green Day."
World Book Day 2022
Happy Pancake Tuesday!
Happy Valentines's Day from 2nd Class.
Skipping Challenge
Safer Internet Day- 8th February
We have been learning about the HTML Heroes in class.
We were looking for signs of Spring around the school.
Happy Chinese New Year.
It is the year of the Tiger.
Welcome back to school!
Grandparents Day 2022
This week we are exploring weight.
Our Christmas drama as Gaeilge!
We having been learning about the Nativity. We drew pictures inspired by a poem called 'The First Christmas'.
Listen to our poem story in the video.
Listen to our poem story in the video.
Christmas Art!
Happy Halloween.
Maths Week
We did a maths hunt in our class room. We also went on a maths trail in the yard to find maths in the world around us.
We estimated different items each day at our estimation station.
Jersey Day 2021
Space Week
4th October- 8th October
We learned about the different planets and created a flipbook.
We have been learning all about trees. We went on a walk to collect different types of leaves to make rubbings with.
Colour Mixing
We mixed the primary colours together to make new colours to paint with.
2-D Shapes
We used Tangrams to learn about 2D shapes.
We have been learning about the 5 senses in science. We went on a sense walk around the school. We did a taste test to see which foods were sour, sweet and salty.
We had lots of fun on our first day in 2nd class.