Teddy Bears Picnic
School Tour Day
Here is the dance we learned today :) |
We had so much fun on our School Tour today. We loved dancing with Lauren from Theatre Works. We had a surprise visit from the Barnhall Bull. We saw lots of magic with Waffels the Magician and ended the day with some yummy ice-cream form the ice-cream truck. It was a super day :)
Local Walk
We had so much fun on our local walk today. We went to the fairy garden, squirrel wood and we had a picnic. We really enjoyed it :)
Play ball
Intercultural Day
We learned all about Germany! Listen to us singing "Twinkle Twinkle" in German :) |
Sports Day
We had so much fun today!!!
GAA with Coach Michael
The School Garden
We had a lovely visit to the Garden. A helper called John Joe showed us all the different flowers and vegetables that are growing in the garden. We planted some lettuce and we are looking forward to watching it grow!
Active Schools Week
Obstacle Course Friday
We had such a brilliant Active Schools Week. We loved all the daily activities, the "Wake Up Shake Up" every morning, the dancing and wellbeing activities and the poster competition. It was all so much fun :)
Dancing Thursday
Racing Wednesday
Skipping Tuesday
Marathon Monday
Visitors to our school today
Happy Easter
We had so much fun on our Easter hunt toady :)
Happy Saint Patrick's Day
World Book Day
We really enjoyed World Book Day today! We talked about our favourite book, designed book marks and a new cover for our books and we had D.E.A.R. time. It was so much fun being dressed up with all our friends 😀
Jumping for joy, returning to school this morning!
Our Pets
Our Aistear theme this month is "The Vet's Surgery". We have been learning about how to look after our pets😀
Having Fun at Home
Happy Christmas
Nearly Christmas |
Jog Along Little Donkey |
Oíche Nollag |
A Chubby Little Snowman When Santa got Stuck in the Chimney |
Christmas Art
Science Week
We had such an enjoyable Science week in Junior Infants. We did some experiments: dancing raisins and skittle rainbows. We learned all about magnets and we checked lots of objects to see if they attracted to a magnet. We had so much fun 😀
Happy Halloween
Watch us sing some Halloween songs and poems!! |
Jersey Day
Look at some of our Art Work:
Watch us sing some songs and poems that we have learned!! |
The School Garden
We were out enjoying the lovely sunshine in the school garden today. We looked at all the flowers and plants that are growing. We spotted the 2 scarecrows. We looked at the fairy garden and placed our hands on the worry plaque (the fairies made our worries disappear). We then had a little play in the sensory playground.
We had great fun 🙂
We had great fun 🙂