The children have really been enjoying active schools week, they have been partaking in lots of fun activities every day. The children really enjoyed Sports Day and they were all very tired the day after. Here are some pictures of the children having fun during active schools week, with their inclusion classes!!!
We had a wonderful Wednesday with the children in Ms Milner's class. Half of the children from 3rd class came down to our room to play games and design a list of rules about friendship. The excitement in the classroom was fabulous and all the children were extremely kind and inclusive.
Another busy month in Room 3. We are learning about the clock, we are finding it a little tricky but we are playing lots of fun games to help us understand the rules of the clock. We have been trying some new foods, we made a cool rainbow using fruit and vegetables. We also had a lovely breakfast morning and we also had our last tennis session, which we really enjoyed!!
Pancake Tuesday
We love cooking and trying new foods in Room 3. Pancake Tuesday is one of our favourite days and we absolutely love having pancakes. We enjoyed making smiley faces with bananas on our pancakes and there wasn't a crumb left on our plates.
The children are so lucky, they are getting six weeks of tennis lessons. We started on February 3rd and they can't wait for the next few weeks.
Green School- Action Day
On Friday 2nd of December the children in Room 3 went on a very special trip to see the Christmas decorations in Dublin City. We got on the train in Louisa Bridge and went to Connolly Station. We walked from Connolly Station to the GPO where we looked at the bullet holes on the external walls of the GPO from 1916. The children were fascinated by this. We then went to look at the decorations inside the GPO, we said a little prayer at the crib and then we walked down Henry Street, there was lots of Christmas cheer on the streets. We got an extra special treat and went to Mc Donalds which the children really enjoyed. It was a great Christmas outing and the children were absolutely wonderful throughout.
The children enjoyed engaging in a number of science experiments during Science Week. The Walking on Air experiment was a real hit and the children wanted to do the experiment numerous times during the week. They were so excited when they observed the adults standing on air as they had predicted that the balloons would pop once the adults stood on the table.
The children enjoyed engaging in a number of science experiments during Science Week. The Walking on Air experiment was a real hit and the children wanted to do the experiment numerous times during the week. They were so excited when they observed the adults standing on air as they had predicted that the balloons would pop once the adults stood on the table.
The children in Room 3 enjoyed doing lots of fun activities for Maths week. They enjoyed going on Maths trails around the school and also playing fun maths games. The children have being showing lots of interest in reading and have set up a little book club on the yard. We invited the children from Room 4 into our class for a Pizza Party which was great fun. The children also loved dressing up for Halloween and creating pumpkins.
It was a wonderful October.
It was a wonderful October.