To all the children in my Senior Infants,
Well done on all your hard work this year, both at school and at home. I hope you all have a lovely Summer break.
Take care,
Ms. Doyle x
Well done on all your hard work this year, both at school and at home. I hope you all have a lovely Summer break.
Take care,
Ms. Doyle x
Some Wellbeing Activities for the coming days and over the holidays

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Daily Work for 22nd to 26th June
Daily Work for 15th - 19th June

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Daily Work for 8th - 12th June
Enjoying the Sunshine!
Daily Work for 3rd to 5th June
Try your best to complete as much as you can and don't forget to send me some photos of your children enjoying the Summer sunshine!
Try your best to complete as much as you can and don't forget to send me some photos of your children enjoying the Summer sunshine!
I recorded this video sideways and it uploaded the right way up!

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Daily Work for 25th -29th May

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A bit of fun for Senior Infants!
Can you spot your classmates and work out who's who from the baby pictures? I'll give you the answers on Friday.
Answers :
Row 1 : Christopher, Dylan, Jack
Row 2 : Ms. Doyle, Olivia, Ryan
Row 3 : Eoin, Lee, Doireann
Row 4 : Isaac, Oisín, Ava Rose
I hope you enjoyed guessing who your classmates were!
Can you spot your classmates and work out who's who from the baby pictures? I'll give you the answers on Friday.
Answers :
Row 1 : Christopher, Dylan, Jack
Row 2 : Ms. Doyle, Olivia, Ryan
Row 3 : Eoin, Lee, Doireann
Row 4 : Isaac, Oisín, Ava Rose
I hope you enjoyed guessing who your classmates were!
Daily Work for 18th - 22nd May
I'm sorry about this video being sideways. I've videoed it multiple times, in all directions and no matter what I do, it's uploading sideways! This sums up my battle with technology!
A little hello and a story from Ms. Doyle
Daily Work for 11 - 15 May for Ms Doyle's Senior Infants

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Some More Recent Pictures 14th May
Daily Work for 6th - 8th May

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Some Recent Photos
Daily Work for 27th April - 1st May

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Aistear Challenge
This week's Aistear challenge was to create a Garda Station or a piece of equipment used by the Gardaí. Lots of fun was had carrying out the challenge and the results are so imaginative. Well done to everyone who took part.
20th April, 2020
Some happy faces returning to schoolwork!
Some happy faces returning to schoolwork!
Sunday, 19th April
To my Senior Infants and their Parents,
I've sent you some work for the coming week. It is all attached below. If you click on the button, you'll find the work schedule for each day. Below each button are any necessary files for downloading or printing. As I've said previously, this work is just a suggested timetable for the coming week but it's up to you to choose whether to complete it all or sections of it. This work is similar to what we do each day in school, so after a quick explanation, most children should be able to complete it independently. In any writing exercises (sentences/free writing etc) do not worry about spellings, at this age children spell phonetically by sounding out words and this is what I encourage in school. I'm available throughout the week if you're having any trouble, just send me an e-mail on [email protected] and I'll help in any way I can.
Take care and enjoy the return to school-work!
Ms. Doyle
To my Senior Infants and their Parents,
I've sent you some work for the coming week. It is all attached below. If you click on the button, you'll find the work schedule for each day. Below each button are any necessary files for downloading or printing. As I've said previously, this work is just a suggested timetable for the coming week but it's up to you to choose whether to complete it all or sections of it. This work is similar to what we do each day in school, so after a quick explanation, most children should be able to complete it independently. In any writing exercises (sentences/free writing etc) do not worry about spellings, at this age children spell phonetically by sounding out words and this is what I encourage in school. I'm available throughout the week if you're having any trouble, just send me an e-mail on [email protected] and I'll help in any way I can.
Take care and enjoy the return to school-work!
Ms. Doyle

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17th April, 2020
A Quick Hi From Ms. Doyle
April 3rd, 2020
Hi to all my Senior Infants,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I still miss you all so much but have gotten lots of e-mails and pictures of all the work you've been doing, the games you've played and invented and the fun you've had drawing, baking and exercising. You can continue to send me your pictures over the next few weeks and I'll put them on this page for everyone to see. My e-mail is [email protected].
I know that you were all probably well able for the work I assigned this past week, but if you did get stuck on anything or found something hard - don't worry we will catch up on everything when we return to school.
The next two weeks are the Easter holidays and like a normal holiday, I will not be assigning any school work for you to do. However, there are lots of different activities that you could do further down on this page - exercises, arts and crafts and so on. After Easter, I'll be updating the website daily with new work to keep you learning.
Finally I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy Easter, mind yourselves, wash your hands and don't eat too many Easter Eggs!!
I miss you all and hope to see you very soon,
Ms. Doyle
To all my Senior Infants,
I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe at home. It's strange not being in school every day but hopefully we'll be back to Scoil Mhuire soon with huge smiles on our faces, delighted to see our friends again.
We've been very busy in my house over the past few weeks. We've done some schoolwork, lots of playing and art, lots of bouncing on the trampoline and baking buns and cakes. We've also been washing our hands throughout the day to make sure we stay healthy, I hope you're all remembering to do the same!
I gave you some work before we left school to last a couple of weeks, so I'm just going to update the list for the coming week. If you're doing anything exciting or fun with your family, you could take a picture and send it to me. I'll put it up on our page so all of your friends can see it too. You can e-mail pictures to [email protected]
Most importantly, we have 3 birthdays coming up soon. We won't be able to wish our three friends a Happy Birthday in person, but if you'd like to make a card and send me a photo for this page, that would be great! All birthday cards sent to me will be added to our class gallery below. We're looking forward to singing you all Happy Birthday when we're back to school!
English :
-Continue writing your news in your News copy and let your imagination run wild in your Free Writing copy.
-Continue reading your wordbox lists, 1 list per week.
-Read more books online on This website gives free access to the Biff and Chip range.
-David Walliams is releasing 1 audio book per day on his website, listen on
-Edco have given free access to parents on their website. Go to, username: primaryedcobooks, password: edco2020. If you search for 'Zeb', the Zeb and Friends Skills Book will pop up, click on Edco Resources in the picture and there are a variety of interactive games and activities based on the books we've read so far this year.
Maths :
-Continue with work in Planet Maths on Pg 88, 89, 90. This chapter is about positioning, on, under, beside, between, in front, behind. Children could use their favourite teddy to position him around the house using the above terminology.
-Planet Maths have opened up their website to parents too. If you sign in as a teacher, use your own e-mail, etc but use the roll number Prim20. Go to the Senior Infants e-book and then pages 88-90. There are some online activities based on positioning in this chapter.
Gaeilge :
-Turn on TG4 morning or afternoon to watch some popular children's shows as Gaeilge. We've watched Alvin, PJ Masks and Masha and my own children don't seem to have noticed that they're not in English!
Religion :
-Continue to work up to page 45. Grow in Love have opened access to parents, so if you want to listen to the accompanying stories or activities, go to the Grow in Love webpage, use the sign in e-mail [email protected], password: growinlove.
Other Subjects :
-We've been busy joining Joe Wicks every morning at 9am, livestreamed on YouTube. You can also catch it later in the day. It's a great way to get some exercise when you're stuck indoors.
-Lego Makers Ireland run a daily competition on Facebook to make a variety of themes each day.
-We've also been doing lots of drawing on The Art Hub for Kids on YouTube. It has easy step-by-step drawing lessons that are easy to follow.
-Check out for a range of stories in Irish and English and worksheets on every possible theme you could imagine!
That's all for now. Keep working away at home and getting out for some fresh air, at a safe social distance! Hopefully this will be over very soon. I really miss you all so much and can't wait to see the photos you send.
Take care,
Ms. Doyle
World Book Day
Rapunzel Challenge
As part of Engineer's Week, we participated in the Rapunzel Challenge. Our aim was to rescue Rapunzel from her tower using a variety of recycled materials. We had so much fun taking part and came up with very novel ideas, including rescuing her in a space ship, allowing her to jump onto a trampoline and building a water slide from the tower into a swimming pool! I think we have a few budding engineers in Senior Infants!
Rice Krispie Buns
We made rice krispie buns as part of our learning about the Procedural Writing genre. We really enjoyed making them, tasting them and writing up the process!
Friendship Week
Grandparent's Day
Looking at Houses in the Locality
We have been studying different types of houses so we decided to take a walk around the area to look at a variety of houses. We saw detached and semi-detached houses, bungalows and apartments.
Open Day
Science Week
In Senior Infants, we joined up with Ms. Hanafin's Class to carry out two experiments. The first one was about air pressure. We blew up 15 balloons and placed a table over them. Then we tested how many people we could stand on top without bursting the balloons. The second experiment used Skittles and water to show colours mixing. We even got to taste the partly dissolved Skittles.
Jersey Day
We dressed up in our favourite jerseys for GOAL today and raised lots of money for charity!
We dressed up in our favourite jerseys for GOAL today and raised lots of money for charity!
Our First Aistear Session
After a couple of weeks of preparation, we began Aistear today. We've learned lots of vocabulary about school and we enjoyed using our new words and phrases pretending to be principals, teachers and pupils.
After a couple of weeks of preparation, we began Aistear today. We've learned lots of vocabulary about school and we enjoyed using our new words and phrases pretending to be principals, teachers and pupils.
A Visit to the Garden
We visited Gairdín Uí Dhálaigh to explore the five senses. We looked at and touched different plants, smelled lots of herbs, heard birds and tractors and even tasted some spring onions. We really enjoyed our visit and hope to come back as the seasons change.
Our First Day in Senior Infants
We had lots of fun on our first day back in school. We made jigsaws, played some Maths games and enjoyed catching up with our friends.