Welcome to 3rd Class
School Tour to Dublin Zoo
Drumming Workshop
Bake Sale for Make-A-Wish Ireland
Intercultural Day
Rugby Training!
Sports Day 2022
We had a wonderful day of super sports and fun!
Planting Carrot Seeds
Barnardo's Internet Safety Talk
The boys and girls worked hard to begin planning and creating their
clay monastic settlements.
Active Schools Week 2022
We planted sunflower seeds!
We explored our new Active School Walkway
Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
Lá Glas
World Book Day 2022
We celebrated World Book Day dressing up as our favourite storybook character.We presented our books to the class, played outdoor bingo, made beautiful bookmarks and learned lots about using our imaginations!
Pancake Tuesday
Friendship Week
We buddied up with Junior Infants and enjoyed a zoom call with games, poetry and reading.
We exchanged friendship cards, played outdoor games and skipped, it was a lovely week!
Safer Internet Day 2022
Saint Brigid's Day in 3rd Class
Exploring Our Environment
We took a lovely January walk to investigate our local environment
Active Flag School Challenge
Skipping John visited the school and everyone had a great time learning how to skip with some new techniques.
Watch 3rd Class in action!
Skipping John visited the school and everyone had a great time learning how to skip with some new techniques.
Watch 3rd Class in action!
How The Grinch Stole Christmas!
Advent Wreaths and The Nativity
Daidí na Nollag
Christmas Snow Scenes
Fraction Trees
Our School Crib.
Santa came to visit our school!
3rd Class Space Projects
They Were Out of this World!
The children in 3rd Class went to great efforts over the past three weeks to create their outer space dioramas.
They each presented them to their classmates and did a wonderful job.
A huge well done to the girls and boys for all of their hard work!
They each presented them to their classmates and did a wonderful job.
A huge well done to the girls and boys for all of their hard work!
Active Break Every Day Challenge!
Every day we continue to be active to help our school earn the Active Flag this year.
Science Week was a great success in 3rd Class!
The class completed the bouncy egg experiment at home.
In school we had great fun with the lava lamp experiment.
We also learned lots of interesting facts about Scientists and Space!
Happy Halloween from 3rd Class!
Well done to the boys and girls on their amazing artwork and pumpkin creations.
Maths Week 2021
We have enjoyed lots of fun games and trails!
Many Congratulations to 3rd Class on making
their First Holy Communion.
Below is a selection of photo's of some of the children taken on
October 18th - Photograph Day
Jersey Day 2021
It was action packed!
We have been busy helping to harvest onions from our school garden.
Draw Along Workshop for Culture Night
We loved listening to the story of Boscadán the Robot and responding with our own great robot drawings.
We loved listening to the story of Boscadán the Robot and responding with our own great robot drawings.
Our First Day in 3rd Class