The PTA represents the parents of Scoil Mhuire, Scoil Bhride and
Scoil Eoin Phoil.
The fundraising the PTA do is used for extra resources for the children. We are very grateful to them.
The PTA also organise talks, social events and information meetings for parents

You can follow the PTA on their Facebook Page: 'Leixlip National Schools PTA'
You can follow the PTA on their Facebook Page: 'Leixlip National Schools PTA'
Voluntary contributions 2021-22
It was agreed at the AGM that the amount of the voluntary contribution should remain at an amount up to €40 per family.
The PTA fully appreciate that these are very difficult times financially for many and ask that families contribute whatever they can afford.
The most effective way to make a contribution is to send it directly to the school. Remember to fill in the relevant details on the form sent home with your child and return it with your contribution at your earliest convenience.
It was agreed at the AGM that the amount of the voluntary contribution should remain at an amount up to €40 per family.
The PTA fully appreciate that these are very difficult times financially for many and ask that families contribute whatever they can afford.
The most effective way to make a contribution is to send it directly to the school. Remember to fill in the relevant details on the form sent home with your child and return it with your contribution at your earliest convenience.
PTA Funds 2022-23
External Signs, Prizes for Maths Week,
External Signs, Prizes for Maths Week,
PTA funds 2021-22
Books, A second ipad case with 16 more ipads, hoodies, prizes, sports equipment,
inflatables, workshops, and graduation.
Books, A second ipad case with 16 more ipads, hoodies, prizes, sports equipment,
inflatables, workshops, and graduation.
PTA Funds 2020-21
The PTA funds were used to upgrade our school hall, purchase 16 Ipads and an I pad trolley, internet safety talks, a tug of war workshop for all classes and tickets for
The Helix Christmas Virtual Pantomime for everyone!
The Helix Christmas Virtual Pantomime for everyone!
PTA Fundraising 2019-20
6th Class Graduation during Covid 19 restrictions
Prizes for competitions during school closure: Covid 19
2018-19 PTA Fundraising - €9500
2017-18 PTA fundraising - €10,000
Many thanks to the PTA this year who funded a defibrillator, 2 new table tennis tables for lunchtime activities, a huge amount of sports equipment including sports bibs, infant balls, junior footballs, GAA footballs, tennis balls, a parachute, athletics equipment, an electric pump, some large outdoor games for lunchtime activities (Connect4 and Chess) and lots more!
2016-17 PTA Fundraising - €12,000
Thanks to the PTA, every class from 1st to 6th class received a skipping workshop during Active Schools Week with Skipping4Life
Thanks to the PTA, every class from 1st to 6th class received a skipping workshop during Active Schools Week with Skipping4Life
We replaced an interactive whiteboard in one of our classrooms
Every class in the school attended a drumming workshop from 'Drum Nature' for Intercultural Day.
Every class received an internet safety workshop with Zeeko
Children from Junior Infants to 2nd class had 4 weeks Soccer training with Soccer Marvels
We bought a set of 30 skipping ropes and 8 large class skipping ropes for PE. We bought 2 goal posts for lunchtime Soccer, 20 helmets, 25 sliotars for hurling and camogie and we were able to afford to hire 2 bouncy castles for Sports Day!
2015-16 PTA Fundraising - €10,000
In 2015-16 the PTA presented Scoil Mhuire with a cheque for 10,000. See below what we spent the money on.

We spent alot of the money on a new Library/Computer room. We bought a new library catalogue system, new library seating and plenty of shelves! We were able to stock our new library with books we bought with the commission from the PTA 'Book Fair'.
We bought two logo mats with our school crest on them, flags for our international and county flags for our corridors and a set of Gaeilge readers for all classes from 1st to 6th. Here is a sample!
We bought new classroom dividers and a selection of educational posters for our classrooms and corridors.
We bought two basketball posts and lots of Aistear equipment for the infant classrooms - Here is just a sample!