First Class 2018/2019
A Trip to the Playground
Marathon- We have finished our 42km marathon run!!!!!!!! We were so lucky to have the support of the other classes to cheer us on!
School Tour- Lullymore Heritage Park
Bouncing Castle- The sun was shining for us to have super fun on the bouncing castle!
Intercultural Day- We had great fun at Intercultural Day, We have been learning all about France this week in SESE. We sang Frère Jacques in a four part harmony.
June- Intercultural Day Art- France. Can you guess what French landmarks we were making?!
June- Under the Sea clay
Sports Day
May- Marathon running (four laps of the playground). We have done 161 laps so far... only 50 laps to go and we will have reached 42km! A very fit and healthy class!!!!!
May- Geography Walk- The School, Leixlip GAA, Cedar Park, Garda Station and Little Harvard After School.
May- Planting pumpkins
April 2019- Active Week Skipping
March 2019- Engineers Week, Lá Glas and Pancake Tuesday
Engineer's Week
Lá Glas
"Ireland's Call" as Gaeilge... Ready for the Six Nations Rugby.
Pancake Tuesday
February 2019- Friendship Week with 5th Class and Friendship Drama
January 2019
We are doing gymnastics in school for a couple of weeks. We have learned how to forward tumble, backward tumble and different types of rolling. We are using different muscles in our body when we are doing gymnastics. We also practiced the gymnast stance, copying Kieran Behan (an Irish gymnast).
December 2018
We love Creative Writing in our class. We were writing our own imaginary story about "The Dancing/Singing Reindeer". We were doing Recount Writing to tell our story- First, Then, After, Finally.
November 2018
We were learning about the Titanic in school this week. We were very lucky to have one of our classmates bring in "The Heart of the Ocean" necklace.
October 2018
Happy Halloween!!!
Well done to nine of the boys and girls in our class who had 100% attendance in September and October.
September 2018
We made dream catchers for art; decorating them with glitter, buttons and beads to help us scare away any bad dreams that we may have!