Cake Sale
Ms. O'Mara and the sixth class held a cake sale to raise money for the Leixlip Tidy Towns Association. Many of the children in our class donated cakes, buns and other treats to sell at the cake sale. Everyone who donated something received a raffle ticket. We were very lucky, as the winners of the raffle were in our class. The hall was decorated with lovely art, bunting and balloons. There was also a pop-up cafe for the adults. During the day we had a chance to come down to the hall and buy lots of treats. We had time to enjoy some of the treats in the hall and we even had a little picnic outside!
Our School Tour
For our school tour we went to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. We did lots of different activities. We went pond dipping and caught many unusual creatures. We explored the greenhouse garden and even held a newt. We made dream catchers out of sticks, wool, beads, shells and feathers. We went for a walk on the bog. We made a 'bog in a bottle' to bring back to our classroom and had a chance to bounce on the bog!
International Day
On Friday our school celebrated International Day. On this special day we all wore the colours or clothes of the country that our families are from. In the morning the whole school had a parade. A number of children from each class marched to the music as the rest of the school clapped and cheered them on. We then went to the hall for our International Day assembly. Each class chose a country and prepared a short performance. We did our song from the Philippines. Then we went back to the classroom for our International Day party. We heard information, stories and songs from Italy, India, Congo, Guinea and the Philippines. We even tasted lots of lovely foods from these countries. It was a brilliant day!
Project on the Philippines
We looked up facts about the Philippines on the school laptops. The two mums who visited our classroom also told us a lot of great information. We are now putting all this research down on a page. Our projects will be displayed on International Day.
Under the Sea
We painted our clay fish using lots of different colours. They turned out wonderful!
The Philippines
On June 10th our school is hosting an International Day. Each class has chosen a country for this day. We invited two mums who were born in the Philippines into our classroom. They kindly taught us the song 'Sampung Mga Daliri.' We are going to perform this song on International Day in the hall. They also told us about the Philippines and showed us pictures of the currency, beaches, flag, cities and even the traditional clothes worn by some people. They also answered any questions that we had about the Philippines. We will use all of this information in our project.
Puzzle Time
In art we made fish using clay. We used a rolling pin to get a flat shape. We then used different art tools to carve designs into the body of the fish. We put in eyes and gills, some of us even included a fin. Next week we will paint the clay different colours and patterns.
Poem Performance
In English we are are learning the poem 'My Dictionary Says...' by Connie Casey. This poem looks at the word 'pop' and how it is short for popular.
First Holy Communion
On Saturday some of us made our First Holy Communion. The mass was in Our Lady's Nativity Church in Leixlip. We all had a special job to do. It was a beautiful day.
In P.E. we completed an orienteering activity. Each group had to run to as many cones as possible. Each cone had a simple question underneath it. The group had to take turns to record their answers.
We did some Yoga during Active Schools Week. While the instructor told the story of Harry Potter we had to hold a number of different poses.
'All Star' Dance Routine
For Active Schools Week the whole school performed the 'All Star' dance routine in the hall. We had been learning the dance in the classroom all week.
'Wake Up, Shake Up'
It is Active Schools week. Every morning the whole school is doing 'Wake Up, Shake Up' to start the school day!
A little Visitor
In S.P.H.E. we are learning about the care needs of babies. Mrs. Power and her baby came into visit us. She kindly answered all the questions we had prepared.
Mrs. Daly came for a visit and kindly took us out to the school garden. We planted peas and mangetout in our class plot. We had to prepare the bed before we dug the drills into the soil. We used bamboo sticks to help us keep the seeds in a straight line. We also checked on the garlic that we planted earlier on in the year.
Measuring Capacity
We are learning about capacity. We worked as a whole class to compare the capacity of a number of different containers.
Projects on China
During the Chinese New Year we completed a project on China. We researched a number of facts about the country and presented them in a booklet. We even made a Chinese display table.
Write-A-Book Project
Over the last number of weeks many of the children have been working hard on creating their own books. These books will be entered in the Write-A-Book competition. The books will be judged by another second class.
D.E.A.R. Time
Every Wednesday morning volunteers from Hewlett Packard come into our classroom to do some reading with us.
In P.E. we did athletics. We completed a number of relay races outside. We had to pass the baton to our team mate. We then practised a shot put throw. We had to throw the heavy shot put as far as we could in the yard.
Easter Games
Each team had to find the treasure that was hidden in the grass and place it safely into their basket. The team with the most treasure at the end were deemed the winners and got to enjoy their hoard. But as it was a special day we all got to have a few treats! :)
1916 Construction Competition
The children from first to sixth class were invited to enter a construction competition. They had to make one of the buildings that is linked to the 1916 Easter Rising. Children could work with their siblings, families or even in groups. Second class had a number of wonderful entries. The standard was amazing. We were even lucky enough to have the overall winner in our class, as well as the entries who received joint fourth place.
1916 Diary Entry
After reading a story about the 1916 Easter Rising, we imagined what life might have been like for the children at this time. We wrote a diary from a child's perspective. We then tore the edges of the page and dyed it with tea to make it look like it was written one hundred years ago.
Proclamation Day
Our school celebrated Proclamation Day on the 15th March 2016. This special day marked a 100 years since the 1916 Easter Rising. We have been learning a lot about the Easter Rising over the last number of weeks. In class we listened to the story of the Rising, dramatised the main events, examined photographs of Dublin and wrote a diary from a child's perspective. We also completed the school art competition and the INTO handwriting competition which both had the theme '1916 Easter Rising.' We learnt the songs Óro Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile and Amhrán na bhFiann. We sang these songs during the ceremony on Proclamation Day. We also performed the Irish poem 'An t-Earrach' that we had learnt. During the ceremony we raised our Irish flag. This flag was given to our school by the Defence Forces in October. We read out the original proclamation and our new version. This proclamation was created by all the students in our school. This was a truly special day.
Irish Flag Mosaics
In art we created our own Irish flag. We cut out little green and orange squares from old magazines. We carefully arranged these squares to represent the Irish flag. We will put these flags up in the hall for Proclamation Day.
Procedural Writing
This term we have been working on Procedural Writing. This week we made jelly and wrote out the steps. On Friday, we got to enjoy a little bit of jelly too!
Lá Glas agus Céilí
Bhí Lá Glas & céilí againn le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge. Tháinig Ms. O'Sullivan ar ais don chéilí a dhéanamh. Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as an gcéilí!
Seo iad na dánta atáimid ag foghlaim as Gaeilge.
School Activity Challenge
This month the 'School Activity Challenge' was all about running. We had to complete three laps of the whole yard. The first boy and girl to complete these laps were the winners.
Every day we take a few minutes to do some stretching and mindfulness exercises. We follow the videos on the GoNoodle website.
Measuring Length
We are learning about length. We worked in pairs to measure a number of different lengths. We learnt that it is important to start measuring at the zero mark. We found out that the length from the tip of your toe to your heel is about the same as from your wrist to your elbow!
Our Trip to the Train Station
In English we learnt a poem called 'The Train Journey' by Brenda Williams. We went on a walk to Leixlip Louisa Bridge train station. We drew a map of our walk, including some of the buildings, estates and roads that we passed.
2015-2016 Timeline Pictures
Class Survey
In S.P.H.E. we completed a class survey. We had to find classmates who matched the statements on our sheet. This was a great way to learn some interesting and unusual facts about each other!
Friendship Week
To celebrate 'Friendship Week' our class was partnered with sixth class. Each child in second class got a buddy in sixth class. On the Tuesday we came together and read some English and Irish books. On the Friday we headed out to the yard to play throwing and catching games. It was great fun!
Open Day
This year we opened the door of our classroom and invited our parents, grandparents and other family members to come in and see all of our wonderful work. We completed a number of stations during the hour. The stations included: creative writing, tangrams, circuits, Christmas card making and a tables challenge game on the interactive whiteboard. Between each station we performed a number of songs and recited some of the poems that we had learnt.