Teddy Bears Picnic
School Tour to Carragh Farm
Enjoying Aistear outside in the beautiful sunshine!
Intercultural Day
Our first Sports Day and Active Schools Week
World Bee Day
We had a very special visit from author Margaret Doherty. She told us lots about bees and showed us the flowers bees love the most. Margaret also sang her song "Everyday Things - A Song for The Honeybees".
We are learning about the Fire Station. We planted some onions and potatoes in the garden. It will be great to watch them grow!
Friendship Week - We did lots of fun activities with our buddy class! 3rd class helped us with our Easter Art, we had a joint PE lesson and they joined us for some paired reading.
We made shapes in groups - we learned about circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. We learned about the Market in Aistear and talked about the different things Ella saw on her visit to Africa in English. There were lots of beautiful bracelets made to sell at the market. We love DEAR time and we Drop Everything And Read. The Annual Sheila O'Hora Competition is coming up soon, we were very busy making our paintings for the competition.
We had lots of fun with our buddy class!
Santa Clause came to visit our school!
Happy Halloween!
We love Maths!
We are learning all about the Farm
Jersey Day