Our final month of the school year in Room 4! We have had a lot of fun already. We celebrated Intercultural Day, took a trip to the forest, The Fairy Garden and made some delicious sausages. We went to Airtastic for our school tour and had lots of fun. The children had a great time at the drumming workshop. We've been enjoying the lovely weather with lots of walks. We also made pizza as a special treat. We had some delicious burgers, chips and chicken nuggets with our friends in Room 3. We have had lots of fun this year in Room 4!
Sports Day
We were busy planting beans in the school garden this month. It was lots of fun. We saw different types of fruits and vegetables growing. There are oak trees and horse chestnut trees growing too. We have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather and had a picnic outside.
The month of April seems to have flown by in Room 4. The children made beautiful Easter art and did lots of fun activities preparing for Easter. Using the obstacle course and practicing gymnastics skills was lots of fun. We enjoyed the beautiful weather by having lovely walks around the local area and we had our first trip back to Squirrel Wood now that it is lovely and dry again. As part of our Science lessons this month, we explored different materials that sink or float. We also made some delicious banana crunch pops by freezing yoghurt covered bananas with sprinkles. They were yummy!
We had some delicious pancakes on Pancake Tuesday with marshmallows, chocolate sauce and lemon. On World Book day, we enjoyed some reading time and fun reading activities. For St. Patrick's Day we made fantastic art pieces and listened to some lovely Irish music. We wore green for Lá Glas and had lots of fun learning about St. Patrick. During PE this month we developed our gymnastic skills too.
Also this month, we enjoyed lots of walks in the fresh air and we saw the first signs of Spring. On our walks, we also learned how and where is safe to cross the road and we always wear our Hi-Vis jackets so we can "Be Safe, Be Seen". We listened to Vivaldi's - Spring and drew beautiful pictures to show how we felt whilst listening. We had lots of fun making pretty clay pieces too.
We were delighted to see Spring arrive in Room 4. We learned lots about the new season, we planted cress seeds and we did some experiments. The children had to take care of their cress by watering it each day. We learned that living things need light, air and water to grow. We did some fun science experiments to see if eggs bounce without breaking...they don't unless you sit them in vinegar for a while! We will see if it bounces after midterm.
Jelly and Ice-cream was a treat before midterm but the jelly didn't set in time - so we turned it into some fun gooey messy play instead!
The children made some tasty food this month - individually decorated pizzas and chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious! Some beautiful Valentine's Day art was made and we learned lots about how to be a good friend during Friendship Week.
Jelly and Ice-cream was a treat before midterm but the jelly didn't set in time - so we turned it into some fun gooey messy play instead!
The children made some tasty food this month - individually decorated pizzas and chocolate chip cookies. They were delicious! Some beautiful Valentine's Day art was made and we learned lots about how to be a good friend during Friendship Week.
January was a very busy month for us in Room 4. We took part in a skipping workshop with Skippy John which the children enjoyed a lot. We are practicing our skipping as often as we can. The boys and girls went for a walk along the canal on a beautiful sunny morning. We wear our hi-vis vests when we walk so that we are safe and can be seen. We celebrated two birthdays in our room and enjoyed lots of dancing and movement games.
Christmas Celebrations
Our Christmas Videos
Our Christmas Activities
The children in Room 4 have done a lot of hard work leading up to Christmas. There have been lots of lovely walks around the local area and we made beautiful Christmas art. The children made their own Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, Snowmen and did lovely colouring and painting. The children sent pictures and cards to Santa Claus which Sparkles the Elf brought with him on his nightly trip to the North Pole. Santa was delighted and sent us a video of him feeding his reindeer, it was very exciting! The children have had lots of fun singing Christmas songs, dancing and playing instruments.
We have had a very exciting start to December in Room 4. We have a class elf called Sparkles who came to visit on the 1st December. He brings an update to Santa every night telling him how great all the boys and girls in Room 4 are. We also had a visit from Santa Clause himself. He arrived on his sleigh and we were all very excited. We wore our Christmas jumpers and sang lots of Christmas songs. We have more fun to do before the 22nd December too!
Science week was lots of fun - we made lava lamps. We also investigated how soap makes germs go away using milk. and went on nature walks. We made beautiful winter art and decorated some winter clothes. Baking is lots of fun and we made some delicious brownies this month. We shared some with our friends and teachers in Room 3 too. They were very tasty!
We had fun learning about Halloween and The Farm. We played lots of maths games for Maths Week. We also baked some cookies and some Halloween fun!
We visited Squirrel Wood on National Tree Day. We drew what we could see and did some leaf and bark rubbings with crayons.