Our School Crest was developed by a committee of staff and pupils in 2013. It was inspired by Ms. O’ Sullivan, who was the Principal at the time and who felt it was very important for our identity to have a school crest. We are all very proud of our crest and what it represents.
The Scoil Mhuire crest is symbolic of the core beliefs and values that we have in the school. It takes the form of a shield. A shield is a symbol which represents protection.
The salmon represents the salmon of knowledge. It also represents the place name of Leixlip; Léim an Bhradáin.
The ball represents our love of sport and the harp represents our love of music in the school.
The celtic symbol in the centre of the crest is a symbol of friendship and loyalty. This represents our supportive, close-knit school community.
The colour blue on our crest represents the river. The River Rye meets the River Liffey in Leixlip. The colour blue on a crest represents truth and loyalty while gold represents generosity.
Our motto ‘Fás agus Foghlaim’ or ‘Growth and Learning’ represents lifelong learning. This motto not only symbolises education but also symbolises our students and how they grow and develop maturity and character while in our school.
The Scoil Mhuire crest is symbolic of the core beliefs and values that we have in the school. It takes the form of a shield. A shield is a symbol which represents protection.
The salmon represents the salmon of knowledge. It also represents the place name of Leixlip; Léim an Bhradáin.
The ball represents our love of sport and the harp represents our love of music in the school.
The celtic symbol in the centre of the crest is a symbol of friendship and loyalty. This represents our supportive, close-knit school community.
The colour blue on our crest represents the river. The River Rye meets the River Liffey in Leixlip. The colour blue on a crest represents truth and loyalty while gold represents generosity.
Our motto ‘Fás agus Foghlaim’ or ‘Growth and Learning’ represents lifelong learning. This motto not only symbolises education but also symbolises our students and how they grow and develop maturity and character while in our school.
Look at this beautiful drawing of our school crest
by one of our 6th class students
by one of our 6th class students