50 Years of Scoil Mhuire We have been very busy in 4th Class preparing for our wonderful school's 50th anniversary celebrations. We were also lucky enough to interview a former 4th class pupil from the year 1974.
Christmas Sing Along
A Special Delivery We were delighted to receive these beautiful Christmas cards from our lovely senior infant buddy class.
Christmas Fun and Santa Visit
Maths Quiz We really enjoyed exploring symmetry this week.
Science Week
Our wonderful pumpkins!
Fáilte go dtí an bhialann!
Geography Busy at work creating our Co. Kerry travel brochures.
Sponsored Walk
Halloween Art
Our Georgian Houses
GAA Blitz
Maths Week Maths Week TV 'Adventure with Shapes'
English Lots of interesting debates happening in 4th class this week.
Fun Maths We went on a lines and angles scavenger hunt and created lines and angles using wool.
Friendship Week We've been having lots of fun with our buddy class this week.